Sharon Temple
At the beginning of June, Karen and I went to two quilt shows one Saturday. The second was held in the Sharon Temple in Sharon Ontario near Newmarket. The temple and out buildings are a National Historic Site and one of those hidden treasures that are close to home that we often don't see. I loved seeing the quilts that were on display but I need to make another trip back to see the temple without the quilts. The stairway up to the loft really caught my attention. The temple was built in 1832 and used by the Children of Peace (broke away from the Quakers). Interestingly it was not used every Sunday. The times it was used were in conjunction with fund raising to support their work with the poor.
The website is
The website is
Also on the site are some other buildings including the home of the Architect, a study and a cook house. The Architects home was open for a visit and had some quilts on beds that belong to the site. The pomegranate quilt was the oldest I think. That old sewing machine looked very intriguing certainly quite different than my Lily.
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