April Quilting Goals Review

 Well, I did get the Cherrywood Challenge quilt done and submitted yesterday so I am really pleased with what I accomplished in April.  I won't post the whole piece until after the challenge closes and probably not until after the judging.

The Abstraction quilt didn't get any attention. Love Entwined did get some work.  I've started to stitch the stems down for vase 3.  I do have more bias prepared.  I need to pin the next level of stems in place.  There are also some of the other little pieces partially prepared.

The little scrappy blocks also got finished today.  There are 10 pink blocks.  

linking up with Patty's One Monthly Goal Windup and the Soscrappy Rainbow Challenge


  1. Love your scrappy pink blocks!

  2. Anonymous06:23

    Good luck in the Cherrywood Challenge.

  3. Very nice applique happening in your spot of the world. I love your pink blocks too. They're going to make a wonderful quilt. The pattern is so versatile.

  4. Good Makings of some beautiful quilts,can't wait to see the final results


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