2019 Goals: Learn Photoshop 1
As I mentioned previously a goal the last several years has to been to learn Photoshop . I realized this year that part of my problem was I hadn't really defined what that meant so came up with a high level idea. Through my library, I get access to Lynda.com In January, I watched Julianne Kost's classes on Lynda.com called Photoshop CC 2019 Essential Training: Photography and The Basics . While watching these I realized that I needed to step back a level. I do basic editing in Lightroom, having learned some formulas but I don't understand why they work or what to do when they don't work. I'd like to understand all the panels in the develop modules of Lightroom (or camera raw) and know how and when to use the tools. Then when that still hasn't gotten the photo where I want it, how to continue in Photoshop . So I stepped back and started watching her course on Camera Raw . While its not Lightroom itself, th...