Zigzag Border Started

Last month I finally finished stitching down everything I had basted into place on my Love Entwined Centre. I had cut all the zigzag pieces months ago but didn't leave notes as to what my plans for them were. I think I've figured it out although there aren't as many of each colour as I think there should be so maybe not. On the weekend I paired up the colours and spent most of the drive home from Dad's stitching pairs together. It was rather nice that Karen was driving :) I've pressed some of the pairs and started to sew them into pairs.

I hadn't used these little scissors before. They were in a gimme bag either at our guild anniversary dinner a few years ago. I was taking a flight and wanted to take the sewing with me on the plane. These seemed to be the correct size but I thought if they got confiscated I wouldn't mind too much. I've changed my mind. Not only are they cute, but they cut well and are a nice size for carrying with my stitching

I recently found Heidi's One Monthly Goal which seems a really good idea. This month my goal is to get the zigzags prepared and basted down on the top. A stretch goal is to get them actually appliqued in place. I still have several other items to work on this month so getting them appliqued is definitely a stretch goal. Also linking up with Esther's WOW.


  1. wow, I took a peek at Love Entwined over at Esther's, it is absolutely amazing! Can't wait to see more. My notes are often to no avail, I completely relate lol. I am so glad you found One Monthly Goal. Thanks so much for linking up!


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