Painting last weekend
On Friday night, my sister and I went to Paint Nite at the Aquarium. She got the more experienced apron -- her choice, she picked two aprons out of the bag and handed one to me. More Experienced Apron Inexperienced Apron Over the course of the evening, we painted an underwater scene with two turtles. We sat at tables and each had an little easel, a paper plate with the required paint colours, some brushes and a red drinking cup with a bit of water. The evening started with us making a promise to enjoy ourselves, not moan, groan and complain and to NOT drink from the red cup. Good idea. It looked uninviting. The instructor took us through step by step demonstrating on her canvas. A bit of yellow and blue on the brush to start and start filling in the canvas. Table setup; Don't drink from that!; Painting started; Getting messy Water finished; rocks added; underwater life added; turtle begun At the e...