Bruce Trail -- Springdale Farm, Silver Creek & Roberts Side Trail

I went for a hike combining two of the great trail hikes from the Bruce Trail -- the first was Springdale Farm & Maureen Smith Side Trail (Hike # 12) and Silver Creek and Roberts Side Trail (Hike #13). It was a beautiful sunny day -- more like mid-summer than early spring.
The fungus that grows on trees is fascinating. These are some of the examples I saw on this hike:
I really liked the bell shaped one. There were a few flowers out...
Despite the warm weather, there were still little bits of snow left. There was a ladder down to allow hikers to see the cliff face. I climbed down but couldn't find the trail down there so I climbed back up and continued on the side trail.
Creeks and waterfalls and the lake where I sat on a dock and had my morning snack.
