Bruce Trail -- Devils Pulpit and Hoffman Lime Kiln Ruins
I went to hike the Devils pulpit trail (Hike number 14 in the list of 40 Great Hikes) on the Bruce Trail . The trail goes up 100m (300 ft) and starts off like this: Part way up there is a side trail that goes to the ruins of a Hoffman Kiln. This kiln was used to process a type of limestone that was fired to produce lime for construction and agriculture. There were multiple compartments and each could be fired separately. After looking at the kiln, the you go back to the main trail the way you came. The trail continues on up -- sometimes it was hard to pick out exactly where to go, some times it was pretty obvious This is the view from the top of the trail. Time to starting going back down here Usually this is the view I get of the Turkey Vultures -- soaring on air thermals This time I saw these two sitting on a tree branch. I took the photo on the longest telephoto then cropped it to get the close up. This is the Forks of the Credit river at the bottom of the trail